3 Reasons Why Service Providers Should Add Video Meetings to Their Offerings

We live in a world where fiction is meeting reality. A world where technology that seemed mere fantasy decades ago is now commonplace.

A prime example of this is video meetings. UC service providers have allowed millions of workers around the globe to benefit from high-definition video meetings using mobile devices.

Long gone are the days when joining a video meeting required a big infrastructure investment or specialized hardware. Users can now participate in a multiuser video meeting wherever they are.

Here are 3 benefits of adding video meetings to your product suite as a service provider:

Video Meetings

1. Video meetings facilitate increased productivity for your customers

Traveling to meetings takes time, especially if they are out of town. Executives can take one or two days getting to and from important meetings. Video meetings allow workers to remain productive and participate in other meetings while they are on the go, increasing their overall productivity.


2. Video meetings are simple to deploy

UC solutions allow organizations to deploy features like video conferencing on multiple devices smoothly. No complicated installations or configurations required. Just log in and go. More importantly, this feature can be easily integrated with a complete suite of collaboration tools like screen sharing, voice and video calling, and instant messaging.


3. Video meetings enable mobility

Video meetings allow anyone to not only participate in conference calls but to actually host them, whenever, wherever. This is a powerful feature that is often overlooked. Is your best salesperson traveling but a last-minute opportunity showed up and you need them to step in? No problem, wherever they are, your customers will be able to run a meeting as smoothly as if they were in the conference room at the office.

Video meetings have risen alongside the development of other technologies within the industry. Much like other growing trends like BYOD, video meetings will remain commonplace in the market and be a required offering for any service provider that wants to remain competitive.

The reality is that video meetings have graduated from being a luxury for elite businesses, to a highly-adopted and readily available technology. One that is poised to grow, providing service providers with a unique opportunity to power new business VoIP and unified communication services to their customers

Video Meetings


Alianza is the first company to deliver all of these components from a single Cloud Communications Platform. Service providers that are powered by Alianza have access to a full-stack platform and product suite that enables them to compete and win like never before.

Using our solution, service providers can achieve two important business objectives:

  • Grow revenue and market share with clear product leadership for voice, unified communications, messaging, and cloud meetings
  • Reduce costs with dramatic operational simplification and ease of management

With a cloud PBX solution, service providers can leave their current infrastructure in place to deliver legacy voice services, like home phone and basic business lines, but use a new SaaS platform for modern cloud PBX and SIP trunking services. 

To learn more about migrating to the cloud as well as service provider cloud communications:

Kevin Mitchell