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6 Ways Cloud Communications Creates Unprecedented Benefits (for Service Providers)

Cloud services are the new normal for businesses, with market revenue expected to surpass $49 billion by 2023.1As IT teams opt to host less hardware on-premises, SMBs and enterprises are increasingly diverting more budget dollars to cloud apps and platforms — and phone and communication systems are no exception. While the concept and benefits of...

Introducing Business Cloud Communications with Advanced Cloud PBX Technology

Today, we’re pleased to announce our new Business Cloud Communications solution for service providers. Alianza, Inc., is the full-stack cloud communications platform for service providers. The Business Cloud Communications solution addresses a clear market need to expand product portfolios with cloud PBX services by offering business mobility, messaging, and video conferencing.

Pleasant Grove, Utah — May 17, 2021 — Alianza, Inc., the full-stack cloud communications platform for service providers, has launched its new Business Cloud Communications solution. The solution addresses a clear market need in the service provider product portfolio to expand cloud PBX services by offering business mobility, messaging, and video conferencing. In a 2021 study done by Independence Research, nearly half of businesses surveyed stated they would prefer to add collaboration services to their existing voice solution, and 87% indicated they would prefer to purchase a combined solution from their broadband provider.

Pleasant Grove, Utah — March 1, 2021 — Alianza, Inc., the full stack cloud communications platform for service providers, announced today the closing of its acquisition of CounterPath Corporation, a Vancouver-based provider of softphones, cloud meetings, and mobile UCaaS solutions. The combination with CounterPath strengthens Alianza’s ability to deliver the best end-to-end cloud communications platform for service providers. Service providers are now better positioned to win in the rapidly growing and evolving communications market.